Friday, October 15, 2010


Why are you ruining your lives by amputating yourselves, leaving yourselves isolated, unconnected?  --Jeremiah 44:7, The Message

This morning my nearly two-year-old walked around the house chatting on his cousin's old cell phone.  He had a long, adorable conversation with some long-lost friend or beloved family member.  Already, at almost two, he knows the importance of connection.

It's taken me a long time to understand the value of connection.  My first real teaching happened when preparing for the 2003 ELCA national youth gathering in Atlanta, Georgia.  The theme: Ubuntu, focused on the importance of doing life together.

We can't do life isolated and unconnected.

If we do, we are ruining our lives by amputating ourselves.

In the passage from Jeremiah, God is talking to his chosen people . . . sad and angry that they chose to live isolated and apart from him (God).

Living apart from God is like amputating ourselves.

As is living apart from others.

And so, I want to continue working on my relationships -- strengthening friendships, allowing myself to be vulnerable, giving more than I think I can give.

Is it possible to do this with young children at home and a newborn on the way?  Do I have the time and energy?

Or is it a necessity?  Amputating myself if I do not.

I am because we are.  We are because Christ is.  Ubuntu.

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