Sunday, October 17, 2010


Last night I was anxious.  

Right after I went to bed I started to have some contractions . . . and I realized my bags aren't packed and ready to go.  So I lay there in bed mentally packing a bag and trying to remember where I might have stashed my nursing bras.  And I couldn't remember.  And I started getting more anxious.

And I thought, "Oh man.  Tonight's not a great night.  Ryan's doing the children's sermon tomorrow . . . and we don't have a back-up plan for 11 am worship . . . and MY BAGS AREN'T PACKED!

So this morning, in my other breakfast companion devotional book, I read:

"Anxiety is a result of envisioning the future without Me." (Jesus is speaking) -- Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young, pg. 304


Sounds about right.

In my anxiety, I didn't picture Jesus standing next to me, holding me up during a contraction, helping me pack my bag.  I just figured I had to do it all alone.

But I don't.

What a promise!

When I understand that Jesus' arms are surrounding me -- holding me fast -- comforting me -- the anxiety melts away.

I'm not on my own.

I have Jesus.

Again I hear God calling:

"I am in charge.  I am the King.  I know what I'm doing."


Now it's time to go pack my bag.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, I'll be there too. Me and Jesus have you covered.
