Friday, November 9, 2012

Life Abundant

So what is this Abundant Life?

Backyard leaves

Mercy falling . . . like golden leaves.

Serving.  Even when we don't feel like it.

Loving . . . even those that are hard to love.

Dying to self.  Living an upside-down life.  Putting others first . . . even when it doesn't make sense.

Going all in.

                       All in.

 Because there is enough.

Enough love.  Enough joy.  Enough peace.  Enough comfort.  Enough grace.  Enough forgiveness.  Enough room for everyone.

Sunday school song

Always enough.

When will we start to live it?

1 comment:

  1. Lord Yeshua, please give us the faith to claim what's said here! Oh,to have "enoughness". D
