Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mothers of Preschoolers -- That's Us!

"This has been one of the best ones ever!" I thought, as MOPS moms were gathering their things and heading out the door. . .

                   just as I've thought countless times this year.  There have been so many best-evers.

It's exhilarating -- thrilling, really -- to be filled and nourished at a gathering with moms like me and not like me.

To learn and grow
                        to share laughs and tears
                                                              to be connected
to have a tableful (a roomful) of seat mates at this crazy-lovely circus of motherhood.

Today we shared Mommy Testimonies -- how our faith and mothering are tied together -- where we see Jesus in our mothering -- how we pass on the faith to our children.

      There were fabulous testimonies from mothers with young children, older children, grandmothers and great-grandmothers.  They shared from the heart -- stories, thoughts, Bible verses that inspire and comfort.  And then, five tablefuls of moms shared their hearts too.

                                                   I wish I could have sat at every table.
I didn't want to miss a word.

It was
            simply lovely.

MOPS is such a strange beast.  It's an amazing organization with so much -- so much -- so much potential.  Do you know how many ultra-cool things we could do with unlimited hours in the day?  The only problem with MOPS is that it's run by women who have small children -- sometimes lots of them --  and women who are pregnant and are nursing and who just gave birth and have preschool field trips and older kids in school and have, basically, the opposite of unlimited hours in a day.

That's tough.

I know, for myself, I am so blessed by these moms and our gatherings.  And I have so many good intentions -- Oh!  I want to get together with this person and that person.  I want to be friends with her!  I want to make amazing things for our auction!  Oh, look at this idea and that idea and that one over there.  We really should do this . . .   And how cool would that be . . . . ?  But I procrastinate and let things slip through the cracks and (I hate to admit this) am not perfect.  I can't do it all.

Wait a second.  Did I just say that?

I can't do it all.

And guess what?  MOPS not only survives, it thrives!  It is a blessing for so many mamas, even if it's not perfect and we can't do everything we dream and imagine.

And even in our imperfection, at the close of the day, I think back and smile and say,

"Yup.  That was definitely one of the best ones ever."

Now, where's my to-do list for next time?

(Speaking of . . . I need to bring my camera next time.  I don't have any MOPS pictures from this year!  Here's cupcake extravaganza last year.)


  1. Oh, thanks for sharing this pic. it brings back memories of ML. I miss MOPS and you all. -Josephine

  2. Oh, thanks for sharing this pic. it brings back memories of ML. I miss MOPS and you all. -Josephine
