Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Soccer Game Part Two

Blazer plays soccer like his mama did -- loves the power of running fast and being in the action, but is timid around the ball. Granted, it was only the first game of his entire life, but I think you're either naturally aggressive or you're not.  Not that his soccer career is over before it starts -- he just has lots of room to grow.

But, my oh my, he is a beautiful runner. Simply gorgeous. Impeccable form, effortless stride, smooth and fast and beautiful.  He runs with grace and joy and ease. He's always had amazing form -- even as a one year old he had great form. No kid-running for this one, no siree.  

It was so fun watching him soar around that soccer field yesterday. With a smile on his face and mine. 

It was fun watching him cheer on his teammates -- and jump up and down in joy and disappointment.  

His first soccer game was a grand success. 

I'm not exactly sure who won. Kids were scoring goals in both their home and opponents' nets, so I'm not quite sure how that all adds up.  But it was all pretty adorable, for sure. 

Another thing I learned -- I'm exactly the kind-of soccer mom I predicted I would be. I don't make a lot of noise from the sidelines.  And I smile a lot. And I cheer for both teams.  And I love watching these kids be who they are.  (And loud yelly parents are still loud and yelly -- even when they're yelling encouragements along with ... what?  Direction?  Disappointment?  Guidance?)  

So, seven games to go. Seven chances to watch my boy run and cheer and kick and try. Seven chances to smile wide at this gift. This gift of life. 

Go Cheetahs!  

(and that other team too.)

Fast asleep after the game.


  1. You mean you didn't notice that HUGE kid on the other team that scored about 10 times? He completely dominated and even the players on his own team could never get the ball. I seriously wanted to check his id to see how old his was and…..relax…..relax…..relax…..

    ….ok, i'm better. I guess I'm not the same kind of soccer parent as you.

  2. I'm so glad you both enjoyed the first game! It really is a great program!

    1. Yeah, it's so cool! Loved the halftime devotion and the atmosphere of the game. Super excited to be a part of it! Thanks for directing me toward it! :)
