Friday, September 16, 2011

Born to Live

It's *Fun Friday* and we're loving life.

I've been reading a fascinating book called Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.  It's all about people who love life and who love to run (and perhaps run because they love life . . . or love life because they run . . . ?)

I may start running barefoot because of this book.  But the jury's still out -- I still have 1/4 of the book to go.

To celebrate loving life today . . .

Blazer pulled out his red skinny jeans to wear to school -- complete with a red striped polo shirt, red striped socks (and even red underwear, I was informed.)

Dash is running around in his Spiderman costume and mask -- and looks quite dashing with all those pillowy muscles.

Ryan is helping justice to be served as Juror Number One in Superior Court.

Finley is a snuggle bug today (most likely because she's sporting a fever) . . . and I've been sitting and holding her and reading my book.

Brilliant Day!

At the close of yesterday, I was at Park #3 with my three little sweets -- sun was setting -- chill in the air -- and the breeze was blowing wisps of Finley's cinnamon-streusel hair straight up in the hair.  She was smiling and squinting into the breeze -- embraced in the moment of joy.

Born to run . . .

       Born to love . . .

             Born to live . . .

We are the Running, Loving, Living People of God.

(and that, of course, includes you.)


  1. We should run a half marathon together someday...maybe we could start with the Annual Skindlov Turkey Trot and work up to a half marathon...or bloomsday:)!

  2. You and Joel MUST read this book. It's awesome.
