Saturday, June 16, 2012

June Market

I have been unhurried lately.

I like that.

It's one of my favorite things to be.

I like sitting on a concrete step, biting into chewy dried apples as I watch my three sweets run and play after an unhurried stroll through the Farmer's Market.

I love catching moments -- like Finley hiding apple pieces behind her back so that she can ask for more.

I love the unbounded glee of hearing children shout, "Do you wanna see what I can do?" "Watch me!"

I love the warmth of plump tomatoes in my hand and the earthy smell of fresh lettuce.

I love following the lead of my wandering boys -- bubblegum snow cones in hand -- strolling, relaxed and unhurried, down the sidewalk bursting with scents and sounds and sights.

I love the pace of a warm June morning at the Market.


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